Friday, November 5, 2010

UKC Rally Day One

The knee survived, but then again we didn't even have a "Fast" sign to do, which was great considering my status.  I got there way early as I wasn't sure of how many obedience entries were before rally and got to see some very nice obedience runs.  The High In Trial dog had a 198.5 in Utility and it was a gorgeous run.  One of the true joys of UKC for me is that they allow altered mixed breed dogs to compete in performance events.  The High In Trial rally dog was out of Level 2 and was a sweet mixed breed girl with a 100! 
Our day was good overall.  Trace was hindered by his handlers inability to read a sign correctly and also her lack of knowledge on the stand requirements for UKC (which I am re-reading tonight) and he NQ'd a run that should have been nice.  Bad, bad handler.  Spice had a pretty pathetic performance and NQ'd--apparently her sit was broken today.  Jam had a beautiful 1st half run and then I must have tightened up because he reverted to his "I'm not having fun" signals, so no sits and an NQ.  Harold redeemed us today.  This was the dog I was actually concerned about and he pulled out a 95 and 1st place!  The club gives out rosettes for class placements and a toy--so both Harold and I were really happy. :-)
On to tomorrow...

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