Wednesday, October 5, 2011


It's a comics explosion here on the farm!  Hobbs came to become a permanent and much missed blue dog a while back.  Hobbs will be out as a special in 2012 and my first attempt at getting a Grand Championship.  He is a gorgeous, big boy with floating movement and a headpiece to die for.  He is also a velcro dog and while I thought he was bad about being sucked to me before we started obedience training, he is worse now.  I'll take it for now, it will make getting that RN this fall easier and I'm sure once he figures it all out he will get off my feet so I can remain upright.
Calvin is joining the Maiwae gang as a temporary resident while his mommy takes care of some medical stuff.  He too is a blue boy, big and as Deb likes to say "rather Jam like".  Calvin is better known as Ch. Anstett's Rising Star.  He needs one leg to finish his RN so we'll do some polishing up and get that finished while he is here.  Calvin will be an intermittent addition so...fingers crossed...he'll get his CD next year.
On a sad note for me and me alone, Beijing goes home this weekend.  I miss him already, he is a good boy and we have had a fantastic ride this year, RN and HT on my end, his TT with mom Sahra, and we will get him back out in 2012 for that CD.  With puppies coming soon and Sahra and John's move, along with the seemingly limitless bad stuff happening here in the past couple of months, I had to table it.  I just have not been in the mood to work with him.  I tried to keep him but dang it! John didn't "forget" he was here!  
More news on arrivals and departures to come...
Until next time...

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