Monday, November 21, 2011

Uh Huh

Shortcake has moved in and taken over in 48 hours.  Not a record but darn fast for a nearly 12 year old dog.  Today she pushed Lemmy off the sofa, hefted her rear end up and plopped herself on my feet.  And she wouldn't let me have any of the nice warm throw blanket either.  Shorty aka "The Snatcher" was in short possession of the following food items today:  a piece of buttered toast, half a plate of macaroni and cheese and a partially eaten hamburger.  Note to self:  start eating at the table or put her in a crate before attempting to eat a meal. It was short possession only because I swear she can swallow large objects in one gulp and then look utterly innocent as if it was just a figment of my imagination that I had food on my plate a nano second prior.  Despite her petite stature she uses her body very well and has body blocked, pushed, shoved and been otherwise rude as hell to the other dogs in her attempt to be the ONLY dog being petted at ALL times.  Senior, geriatric, retired, wobbly old Collie huh...yea right...

Until next time...

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