What is the number one question on every dog show person's mind? "Why do we do this?" This question is inevitably asked at 5 a.m., after a 5 hour drive and the exhausting task of setting up at the show site. This weekend the question was asked, hey I asked it myself. (And yes, it was at 6 a.m.)
On Friday, Sahra came from LaCrosse and we loaded up the TB and headed to Dubuque where we got to stand in line with a dolley loaded with equipment just to get grooming space. Amy met us there shortly after the line started moving. Good timing on her part :-). I pushed a Golden Retriever friend of mine that was in line ahead of us, down one row to get her spaces and Sahra and I scoped out a whole row. Basically you have to imagine the three of us unstrapping crates and tables and throwing them out to save the space. Although I'm sure everyone around me heard my perfectly sane (at least to me) statement "I want this whole row". Which translates into--try and cross over into this space and I will pitch a hissy fit. :-)
After a quick unload we headed back to the farm where Jean had arrived with supper made, yummy sloppy joes! The time passes too quickly when we all get together and before you know it it's 5 a.m. on Sat and time to schlep to the show.
Sat. was a good day--Sahra and Calvin were WD,BOW,BOV in Smooth Collies for his first point! Amy and Bejing were RWD in Smooths. Then Amy and Sahra did a reverse in Rough Collies with Fletcher going WD and Bryce RWD. Diana and Mac arrived at the show on Sat and Mac earned a 2nd in Open Senior Jrs. The fun continued into Cardigans with Jean going RWB with Ebbie and Rumor making her debut. Mac and her new special Jenna were BOS. Sahra and Calvin had a blast in the group ring and had a nice cheering section, along of course with cheering for the Cardigan. Back to the farm for dog exercising, holy cow what an absolutely amazing experience. We did the dogs in large groups and Amy took some really great shots. Diana took puppy pics. And oh did the puppies play--Jean brought her three, with my one and Amy brought a Smoothie baby. Then onto a tasty crock pot roast dinner. See, I CAN cook, you almost always cannot screw up with a crock pot meal. Diana brought homemade bread to share and I pretty much begged her to leave the rest of it. She obliged. :-)
Today came bright and early again, although I think we had it more organzied. If we had a week to do this all it would run even more smoothly but then if we all had to spend a week together....just kidding guys! Unfortunately we lost a member of the "gang" this a.m.--Jean had an emergency call from home and had to pack up and leave instead of spending the day at the show. This was a huge bummer for all of us, we missed her terribly and I didn't get to highjack Flip. ;-)
It did turn out to be a stellar day for the bunch of us. Amy and Bejing were WD/BOW/BOV to finish his Championship!! Congratulations to Peppi--we missed her this weekend too and I'm so happy for her that Bejing finished this weekend! Woo Hoo!! Sahra and Calvin were RWD. Just a flip flop from yesterday. The trend continued with Amy and Fletcher going Rough Collies WD and Sahra and Bryce going RWD, Amy and Lyra going WB for her first point, and following up with Amy's Jordie going RWB. Big congratulation HUGS to Mary for Lyra's first point! Mac was 2nd again in Open Senior Jrs. After a pretty long break it was time for Cardigans. Rumor was much better today than yesterday and was WB/BOS for her first 2 points! More on Rumor in the following post.
So now I can answer the question--"Why do we do this?" For the good times like this weekend! Oh yea and those point things. ;-)
Until next time...
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