Saturday, March 20, 2010


Mother Nature has an interesting sense of humor. Today is the first day of Spring and last night we had snow. It wasn't alot of snow, maybe pushing an inch and as of 1:41 p.m. today it's all but gone. Now I have muddy spots again. I'm hoping for a day of sun and wind tomorrow so it dries up again and I can finish covering the remaining mud spots with mulch until the grass really takes hold. Of course with all the pounding of four feet some of those really shady spots are never going to see grass again, but I have a couple of ideas for later on. I am chomping at the proverbial bit to put up more fence and make more running room. If that wasn't subject to funding sources it would have been started already. Money is such an elusive creature.

Next weekend is the Dubuque show and I'm looking forward to debuting Rumor. It's going to be Motel Judy here with people and dogs all over the place. Collies and Cardigans Rule! Now to stand in line and get grooming space on Friday afternoon. Trace will get his CERF done with the beloved Dr. Betts. When he retires completely I will be crushed. I am hoping to get one last litter of Collie puppies born and checked with him before that happens. Spice is entered for what will likely be her last show for a while, although she might do rally in Waterloo depending on a myriad of what if's.

I suppose I should mosey along and at least vaccum the spare bedrooms. Those dang orange ladybug like creatures have created a few dead bug cemetaries. Time to suck 'em up.

Until next time...

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