Wednesday, September 28, 2011


As many know I lost two dogs recently.  Lost as in missing.  It was my fault, I have become a bit too comfortable with living in the middle of nowhere and daily walks with dogs off leash to the mailbox and back were routine.  All it takes is that one time for things to go badly and it happened.  I had Declan, Kit, Beijing and Matt that day, all of whom were well versed in the daily chore.  Did they have 100% perfect recalls?  No.  Was I complacent in the vague knowledge that my verbal command and whistle would be enough to keep them safe? Yes.  Matt and Beijing responded, I didn't have any leashes with me to put on them to go after the other two and Declan and Kit did not respond.  I suspect they chased some animal into the corn field.  Ultimately Declan and Kit appeared two days later at my "neighbors" property which is one road over directly north of my property as the crow flies and about 3 miles as the road goes.  Before I could get there Kit was spooked by the large equipment that was mowing the waterways.  I was able to claim Declan.  Kit remains lost and it's now been three weeks.  I suspect the worse and hope for the best.
This happened shortly after Jam's untimely death and the placement of two more of the rescues.  As pointed out to me by dear Sahra, that's a lot of loss.  Yes it is and no I have not dealt with it that well at all.  The new arrivals and guest dog have helped and Spice has tried valiantly to fill the hole Jam left behind. 
On the good news side of things, Lymmy and Hobbs have transitioned grandly into the mix.  Glitter is here as a guest, Calvin will be coming for a visit and to finish his RN and we have winter vacationers coming to stay later this year.  Lolli's puppies are due in a month give or take and I'm so looking forward to their birth.  Okay Lolli and Bryce--I want a tri rough girl.  No more boys thank you very much.  There are only four rescues to place and I'm contemplating foster failure with one of them and adopting one permanently.  So new happy events will soon overshadow the depressingly sad past events. 
So onward we go, again.
Until next time...

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