Saturday, May 8, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away and take the Wind with you...

Yesterday was interesting. It's been a rainy and windy May so far and I have now experienced the excitement of mud bogging. Along with a few other items, the gravel road took a real beating from the past winter. Since the last thaw there have been big mounds of black dirt heaved up thru the gravel. Add in the downpours we've had and well it's a little like driving in freshly mixed cement. I realize that my usual rate of speed down said gravel road is just a shade over the recommended limit, but I am now down to a crawl and still getting shifted and shoved all over the place. The driveway isn't a mud bog, it's a water obstacle course. Small, medium, large and pond-like potholes full of water down at the "dip" in the road. All in all a simply fascinating driving experience in and out of the farm. Ha.
Today, again, we have wind. Big time wind. I laughed at Sahra when she asked "is it always windy here?" because yep, it's always windy here. Sometimes a barely there breeze, sometimes gale force drama. Today's it's just below gale force which means I'm going to do inside things today. Trim some dog nails, laundry and vaccum with my new Dyson (thanks to Jean!). Maybe today is the day I get the sewing back out and finish up some more projects. For now it's some computer time while playing tug with Harold--I am the supreme multi-tasker--and humongoid cups of coffee.
Until next time...

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