Friday, March 30, 2012

Afraid to jinx it...

but I will say things are looking a bit more positive as of late.  I have a full time job, albeit temporary, although I'm not just too sure how temporary.  Things around here are a little uncertain and I suspect the higher ups are still sorting out what to do with the job I'm doing.  It's fun work, no sick people! and not stressful at all.  Whew!

I had decided not to take a puppy from the Musca-Hobbs breeding because things were so iffy financially.  But (knocking on wood) I believe we are going to pull thru.  So I'm going to take one of the little girls pending eye check results.  And I'm toying with the idea of bringing one of the Sally-Hobbs babies down for some training time--although I hear the girl is a terror. Of course that is the one that Becky would like me to take for a while.  Thanks a lot Becky!

Jenny and Carly go back home and Hope is off to meet her new family on Sat.  So I will be taking in another foster Collie.  At least this round it's -3 and +1 instead of -1 and +3.  I like it when the numbers work that way.  So here's to continued upward climbs and happiness....shhhhhh.....don't jinx it.  ;-)

Until next time...

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