Friday, August 19, 2011


Jam is sick.  My best friend is sick.  It pains and embarrasses me to admit that in his time of need I can't help him by myself.  It's been 11 months since I last worked and I just don't have the money to take him to Iowa State University's Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center.  He needs a neuro and ophthalmology consult and while I could take him into Cedar Rapids for the eye exam, it's actually less expensive if I do both consults at ISU.  I scheduled Jam to be seen at ISU on Monday Aug. 29 and am going on faith that I'll be able to pull it off.

The folks at Minnesota Wisconsin Collie Rescue have been so supportive and Deb has put together a website for Jam that tells about his problems and also asks for donations towards his consultations and possible tests and treatment.  Pushing embarrassment aside I publish that link below.  Your prayers for Jam would be greatly appreciated, he is my rock and it's heartbreaking to see him so not himself.

Jam's Medical Expenses


1 comment:

  1. Judy, How is Jam? What did they find? Thinking of you both.
